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Join the NFCA Chapter or Renew FCA and NFCA Membership

You can now renew and pay for your chapter membership when you are paying for your FCA membership.
If you are new to the FCA and interested in joining our chapter, send an email to
The FCA would be happy to help facilitate your registration.
Include your last name and chapter name in the subject line. 



Prospective members of the NFCA must also be members in good standing with the Federation of Canadian Artists main organization located in Vancouver BC. For more information visit


Membership in the Nanaimo Chapter

Membership is $30.00 per calendar year, due by the beginning of each year. We are now offering free membership to artists under 25.


Add your bio to the website by filling out the form below.

NFCA Members Biography Form

Add Your Bio to the NFCA Members' Biographies Page

If you would like to have your artist photo and an image of your artwork (landscape orientation works best) as well as your artist statement and bio on the NFCA website, please enter the info below and select the files.

Thank you for giving us a few days to post your bio. 

Artist Biography

Please note: once you select an image file you will not see a preview. Under the select file button the name of the file will be displayed. After you have all fields filled click "Submit Form".

Select File
Select File
Artist Statement

1- Fill in all required fields and any extras you wish to fill in 


2- Click "I'm not a robot" in reCAPTCHA box

3- Click  "Submit Form"  

The "your content has been submitted" message means we have received your information

Your content has been submitted

An error occurred. Try again.

Fill out the membership form and select photo files. Once everything is filled out to your liking, click the submit button. If you need to copy and paste text into any of the fields use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V buttons on your keyboard instead of right clicking. Please note only your name, website, membership type, medium, and bio/artist statement with pictures will be visible to the public.


Please Read the Following Disclaimer Prior to Renewing a Membership

To comply with the Canadian Anti Spam Legislation (CASL),  the Nanaimo chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists is required to obtain consent from every member in order to send commercial electronic messages, including emails and e-newsletters. Please note that by purchasing and/or renewing any membership with the Nanaimo FCA, you are giving consent for the Nanaimo Chapter of the  Federation of Canadian Artists, to  board members and Committee chair volunteers to contact you from time to time via  electronic messages in the form of emails, E-newsletters and social media with information on Nanaimo Chapter: FCA events, fundraisers, board activity, educational programs, calls for volunteers and general organization information. You can opt out of receiving electronic messages at any time by sending an email to with the subject heading ‘OPT OUT’.


If you have any questions regarding the use of your membership data, consent, or how the Nanaimo FCA will contact you, please contact the Nanaimo Chapter Secretary. 

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